Simple Wall-Mount Power Switch for rPi – pt3
Part 3: Completion With the 3d print officially working, came more project advancement! I’m glad to report that the wall switch is now complete ! As a first project in fusion 360, I think it worked out ok but I will definitely need to practice further more. Going back in the design to do fixes […]
Battery-driven Bluetooth receiver for a wired headphone.
I swear, most people asked if that was a detonator… So, my phone does not have a 3.5mm jack, and my headphones are not bluetooth…. I wanted to have a semi wireless solution so, I did the most MacGyver engineering thing ever. Behold!… the thing! Basically, it’s a M28 bluetooth audio receiver for speakers that […]
Repurposed 18650 Batteries into a power station – pt1
Part 1 : Salvaging old packs Hey guys! I got another project that I started a little while ago. I want to make a power station from repurposed 18650 batteries from old laptop packs. Initially, it started with the idea of testing my old 18650s, to fill up some USB battery packs but I soon […]
Mastercraft industrial Shelves Hooks – pt2
Part 2 : First Actual prototype My partner managed to resurrect one of our printer and we managed to get a first prototype of the support and honestly, it’s not perfect but i’m pretty darned happy with the first version. I already have a few things to “upgrade” on the model but I still am […]
Fixing a cat toy and forensic of the old part
Did somebody said… CAT?! Hey folks! I thought I’d make a quick post about this. Basically about 3 months ago I have been given an old laser cat toy thing that was working sporadically. It’s not one of these super expensive toys but still a fair 40-50$CAD. Was definitely worth an attempt to fix. I […]
Mastercraft industrial Shelves Hooks – pt1
Part 1 : The current situation, the problem & the plan (?) So, here’s the current situation, I have a few things hooked to the side of the shelve to hold them but, they have proven to not be great supports. I have made a lovely Desoldering pump holder but sadly, it doesn’t have any […]
OpenWRT on RTL8196E in WiFi repeater – pt2.2
Part 2.2 : Rebuilding So, since I have to do some coding in order to get the firmware out and that I can get the data without having the chip off the board, I decided to resolder everything to be sure that it was still working. It was also a good way to test my […]
OpenWRT on RTL8196E in WiFi repeater – pt2.1
Part 2.1 : The sad realization So, I’ve been fiddling with the memory chip on the WiFi repeater, thinking it was a MX25L1606E, but I got a little surprise when I closely examined the chip after desoldering it. it is NOT a chip from Macronix, I was a bit shattered… instead the chip is a […]
Simple Wall-Mount Power Switch for rPi – pt2
Part 2 : Designing the box After a patient wait, I have finally received all the pieces I need to assemble design the box. I opted for a new approach this time. I normally model my contraptions in Blender as I have learned 3D modeling with this tool and STL files are 3D models, but […]
OpenWRT on RTL8196E in WiFi repeater – pt2
Part 2 : Unknown device So, I DID receive my new test clip to read ICs. It is quite a lovely little tool to work with and didn’t thought I’d appreciate it that much. so, YaY? Review post coming soon. Back to the WiFi repeater, it didn’t fully solve my problem of reading the chip. […]